Tuesday 29 November 2016

The news comes as the retailer announced a 91 per cent decline in first-quarter profits

Yes you've read it loud and clear. And who would say no for their products? But definitely, you might noticed some changes like focusing on M&S Food Stores. We lived in England for 3 years and would shop there. I've never been to this store myself, but I do like some of the clothes pictures above.

I've only kissed women when we were both drunk and they were the ones that came on to me.
(28 November 2016)

In fact i've only dated one girl and that didn't last a full month.
(28 November 2016)

Plus, I am nervous about getting a girlfriend since I have never fully had a serious relationship.
(28 November 2016)

I don't know how to meet people, and I have social anxiety so it's hard for me to just walk up to people and start talking and when I can, carrying the conversation is hard and i get nervous that i look desperate.
(28 November 2016)

I have some frineds right now but I want to be able to meet many new people.
(28 November 2016)

I'm planning on moving within the next year and I am nervous on how to meet new people.
(28 November 2016)

Should I text a girl I met on my birthday (while pretty drunk)?
(28 November 2016)

My question is, would it be ok if I texted her to set up a date?
(28 November 2016)

He didn't do anything with her and he told her he wasn't available, but he assumes his wife would look at it bad.
(28 November 2016)

The other girl liked my friend but he told her a few times that he was not available but they kept talking.
(28 November 2016)

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