Sunday 28 August 2016

She said it was boring to walk the same neighborhood day after day

When she started talking to me, I listened for any recent relevant successes. As it turned out, she had lost about 35 pounds over the past few years. She also has shown little inclination to work out, so the arm strength is also set aside. The good news for her is that the cure for the insomnia and snoring is going to help her diabetes and weight too.

I always had irregular periods, but then they came consistent and I always had them at the end of the month but for the past 8 months or more it changed to having my period around the middle like 14th or 15th....weird right?
(27 August 2016)

How should I deal with my girlfriend who is be being controlling telling me to not add any more female friends on Facebook?
(27 August 2016)

Would you say this is a red flag or does she have a point assuming I am cheating on her?
(27 August 2016)

My girlfriend who I been going out with for about 3 weeks is being very controlling and telling me to not add anymore female friends on my Facebook and in fact, she wants me to delete all my guy friends on my Facebook because she thinks I am a player.
(27 August 2016)

How long douse it take for sperm to dry if it's in contact on skin?
(27 August 2016)

Question about pregnancy and periods?
(27 August 2016)

The last time me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex was July 2nd, I had a short period during the month of July around the same time as normal but this now I haven t had my period for the month of it possible I can be pregnant?
(27 August 2016)

But now for the past year they ve been starting around the middle like 14th or 15th.
(27 August 2016)

Also my period used to always start at the end of the month.
(27 August 2016)

Sometimes I would miss a month but it s been awhile since I ve missed.
(27 August 2016)

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