Sunday 28 August 2016

OSSEC can operate in two modes- Local IDS and server

Also, it can respond actively when work in conjunction with firewalls and TCP wrappers. OSSEC support a wide variety of logs, including UNIX, sshd, telnetd, samba, su, sudo, proftd, impad, pop3d and many more. When operating in local IDS mode, it only analyse the host where it is installed.

How to get over something?
(27 August 2016)

Me and my sisters problems go way back. should I just back out and not compete or tell my mom?
(27 August 2016)

Simply because we don't get along and I don't want to put myself in a situation where if we both won, I'd be very unhappy.
(27 August 2016)

My mom wants her to do the same pageant as me.
(27 August 2016)

Me and my younger sister don't get along to great.
(27 August 2016)

My older sister has a title (meaning she won a pageant) a couple months ago.
(27 August 2016)

It's just something extra I do for fun since I'm not really a sporty type of girl and the school clubs I'm in don't start up for a couple weeks.
(27 August 2016)

I'm 15 and recently started doing pageants around the area I live in.
(27 August 2016)

How does I son talk to their dad about getting a masturbator?
(27 August 2016)

So maybe there's some bond between a father and son that makes them feel comfortable (or at least more comfortable than talking to your mom) to talk to him that I don't understand.
(27 August 2016)

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