Friday 30 September 2016

We planned the trip out very carefully using the Eurail app and bus schedule for the area

Bouillon is a gorgeous small town with a homey vibe that I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a quiet weekend trip. However, getting there was an adventure that we did not anticipate. We set off towards Bouillon, figuring that this trip would be extremely memorable at the very least.

I think she's trying to play around, but that's not really what it feels like.
(29 September 2016)

It can't be because my breath is bad, I brush everyday twice.
(29 September 2016)

Why do people lose interest once the other person shows it?
(29 September 2016)

We want someone until they want us back then we start to lose interest. it's like we want what we can't have then once we have it, we don't want it anymore.
(29 September 2016)

I even catch myself doing it a lot.
(29 September 2016)

I'm not saying this happens ALL the time but I see it quite a lot.
(29 September 2016)

I want to be a model?
(29 September 2016)

I want to run away but if she finds me I don't want her to hit me.
(29 September 2016)

She barely feeds me and says that I need to lose some weight, but I'm 15 and I weigh 84 lbs.
(29 September 2016)

My mom threatened to put me up for adoption if I wouldn't stop asking her if I was pretty yet.
(29 September 2016)

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