Thursday 29 September 2016

I believe that a person should constantly learn and grow oneself

The BNO is his first literary baby and we are glad a courageous voice did not cow down nor did it back out. I have always wanted to write and I finally made the plunge, writing during my business travels. Besides my business and travels, I keep busy with my ongoing psychology studies as well as learning Spanish.

My friend adds me on snapchat then i add him and he always blocks me before the baby symbol goes away (the baby symbol is always there for new friends) so he blocks me before it goes away. does he like me?
(28 September 2016)

Why are men still dumb enough to take women out on dates?
(28 September 2016)

Dont they know they like the date not the man himself.
(28 September 2016)

How do you deal with a depressed friend?
(28 September 2016)

He is on meds and everything but i feel I can do more to help him.
(28 September 2016)

I have a friend who has been depressed for years now, im the only one aware of his issue other then his parents.
(28 September 2016)

Is nightmare the cringiest emo weeaboo furry of all time?
(28 September 2016)

Photo includes details on what you could take a guess of what he's like.
(28 September 2016)

Why is he teasing me?
(28 September 2016)

Friend has an abusive boyfriend?
(28 September 2016)

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