Monday 26 September 2016

Tap on it to turn it off and you can prevent the message preview

To be true, there is hardly any moment when you stay away from your phone whether it is the gym or washrooms. Fortunately, iPhone brings a way out of this trouble. Go to the Setting buttons; from there click on the Notification, Message, and then click Show Preview.

I know many wonderful ladies and I even asked a few of them out.
(26 September 2016)

My Girlfriend played with my mind, what shall I do?
(26 September 2016)

First it was strange things to me, then I began to of her imaginations was that she is bisexual and she did lesbian stuff with some girls she named them.
(26 September 2016)

About a year ago we used to have sex phone till very near time...a year ago she began to make our phone call some kinky so she began imagining things with me.
(26 September 2016)

Why do some guys condescend and then get over-friendly once you dismiss then?
(26 September 2016)

Why do they do that and how do I get them to leave me alone?
(26 September 2016)

Then they compliment me even if there is no need to, invite me to their events, offer to forward my resume and get over-friendly.
(26 September 2016)

Once I start dismissing or ignoring them, they change their attitude.
(26 September 2016)

The make faces, pick on me, ignore me, talk behind my back, insult me or are just rude.
(26 September 2016)

I have often encountered situations when I meet guys who clearly don't like me.
(26 September 2016)

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