Monday 10 April 2017

Team leader is a person who is responsible for the whole team work and manages all the issues

Team leaders always give attention to all individuals of their team and treat them according to their skills. A team leader has an ability to influence their team members. Leading a team helps you to develop a strong personality, make yourself more active, efficient and enhanced your skills.

I have bags under my eyes from exams and stress and my face isnt so radiant but why would he say that. what does a person doing drugs look like.. he always tell me to make eye contact but i dont like making eye contact i feel shy.
(8 April 2017)

I dont do drugs, never done drugs.
(8 April 2017)

My sister fell asleep breast-feeding her son and now he's asking her for more milk should I wake her up?
(8 April 2017)

Births and Adoptions From Behind Bars?
(8 April 2017)

We are in North Carolina and we would like to know more information about prision pregnancies before we make this life changing decision.
(8 April 2017)

We could provide the baby with a better life than she ever will.
(8 April 2017)

My husband and I are considering offering to adopt the child at birth because she is incarcerated and unstable but we want to make sure she will have the medical care nessicary while she is in there to have a healthy baby.
(8 April 2017)

My sister-in-law just found out she is pregnant in jail and unless they take it easy on her because she is pregnant, she is looking at 3-6 years.
(8 April 2017)

Would you be okay with your boyfriend having sleepovers and trips with his female friends?
(8 April 2017)

I dont like the idea of him doing that alone with girls cause I think thats intimate setting and it creates a super close bond and it just seems really inappropriate but he said he has no boundaries for me and he doest like having boundaries.
(8 April 2017)

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