Friday 6 January 2017

But we need allies who believe in the power of truth

The second read, once the fight or flight instinct has subsided, is far more revealing. With that kind of capacity, we can only churn out so many of those big features a year, no matter how good our processes are. How do we think about the role of the arts in fostering understanding across political divides?

His friend started teasing him..?
(5 January 2017)

I made as if I didn't see him and we continued talking and joking.
(5 January 2017)

His friend came suddenly and started teasing him from distance.
(5 January 2017)

Today at work we run into each other and started talking.
(5 January 2017)

We share similar interests... I know that he likes me but I don't know if it id in romantic way.
(5 January 2017)

We started getting to know each other.
(5 January 2017)

We work toether in the same company but we barely see each other at work.
(5 January 2017)

What should I do in this controlling relationship?
(5 January 2017)

I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss being able to fish, I miss my dog, I miss my old job.. I miss everything.
(5 January 2017)

Her mother even told me I can t go get a place away from their home, and if I do, my girlfriend will rarely be able to come over.
(5 January 2017)

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